Webmaster • August 13, 2024
We went to the New Dawn Conference in Early August at Walsingham. Our purpose was to hopefully promote our book and our website. We did this by taking a stall in the big “Social Tent” where many people went to meet, relax and get refreshments.
From early Monday to Friday afternoon we were kept busy. It was great to speak to so many people about what they are doing in the Church. There was a strong atmosphere of faith, hope and friendship, as you might expect at a charismatic gathering. We were particularly struck by people personal stories of their struggles and blessings. It was also a time to share spiritual insights.
A huge number told us of how they served the Lord and the Church, and it was heartening to hear of new initiatives springing up. However, there were many who felt underused in their parishes, and we came across a fair amount of frustration. Our message of hope helped some people, and the message or our book which underlines God’s steady action to bring about his plan for our salvation was listened to earnestly.
Throughout the week, the central plank of the ministry which we are developing came more and more into focus. That is the building in each parish a lay-led ministry of Adult Faith Learning, which is at least equal to or greater than our Children’s Sacramental Programmes.
People hunger to learn about Christ and his kingdom once they have come into a close relationship with him. Who is going to feed that hunger? Our priests are run off their feet as they take on responsibility for several churches – I know of some who have several funerals a week, each of which demands preparation and care. We have a proposal to bring lay people into leading faith formation for adults. We feel its time has come.
On the last evening, we were invited into the youth tent where about seventy 12-17 year-olds held a service of prayer and blessing. The Blessed Sacrament was carried round to each youngster, and most touched the humeral veil of the priest as an act of devotion. It was awesome to see their depth of prayer. These are the new shoots of the Church which is gradually stirring to life. One of the increasingly numerous small hopeful signs that a New Dawn of the Church is happening. God be praised!
After a long, but great journey from Manchester we arrived at Walsingham for the New Dawn Conference and set up our stall in the social tent.
This was a whole new experience for us but the other staff on the stalls were so helpful.
There were lots of other charities and amazing people staffing the other stalls.
We had incredible conversations with people throughout week about how they had all come to honour Mary and meet other like-minded folk as they worshiped the Lord together in a Charismatic Community
The week began on Monday with a Welcome to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham by the rector Fr. Robert Billing who continued to guide all the pilgrims throughout the week.
This was followed by the opening Mass led by Fr.Peter Prusakiewicz CSMA who later in the week led a very full workshop on the ‘Secrets of St. Faustina’.
On Monday evening after the opening address by Mr Garry Stephens who is the Director of the New Dawn event, we were led in an excellent talk by Fr. Pat Collins CM on our relationship with the Father. He spoke about how difficulties with our own earthly fathers can affect our relationship with our heavenly Father and need to be healed.
There were many workshops and times of prayer continuously throughout the day with hundreds of people attending. Throughout all this time we were staffing the stall and spoke to many, many people, and a good number felt called to purchase our book ‘A Message for its Own Time’, which considers the Prayer of the Heart and how each Parish can become a hub of adult faith formation. So many people spoke about the need to use the skills of the laity for the growth of the Church.
On Tuesday evening Fr. Cliff Fumbelo led a Reconciliation service where many hundreds of people waited patiently for the individual Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Once having received the Sacrament, they were invited to bring forward a lighted candle to the steps of the sanctuary and this maintained the atmosphere of prayer and reflection. Here in the photo we see people in prayer as the candles shimmer against the beautifully engraved doors of the inside/outside sanctuary.
Wednesday began with hundreds of people turning up for the day and joining in the Marian procession along the Holy Mile from the Shrine to the Abbey. The youth carried the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham. They were followed in procession by the clergy and the faithful all praying the rosary as we walked.
Many tourists and shop keepers in the little village stood respectfully at the side of the road as this vast body of people in prayer processed into the Abbey Grounds
This was followed by Mass led by the Rector, Fr. Robert Billing together with many priests and deacons and hundreds of the faithful.
A huge number of people stayed on after Mass for a picnic lunch and then all slowly retraced their steps along the Holy Mile back to the Shrine.
On returning to the Shrine, the main highlight on Wednesday afternoon was the veneration of the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis. After a resume of his life and a talk by Monsignor Anthony Figeuredo STD the custodian of the relic, people were invited to come forward to touch/ kiss the relic. On speaking with the youth later, they were very touched by this young soon to be saint.
Thursday brought more workshops from Fr. Columba Jordan and Andi Oney, Fr. Paschal Uche and Michelle Moran. Our time, however, was taken up with meeting so many wonderful people, each of whom had an amazing story of being led to the Lord and wanting to help the Church grow and develop.
Each night there was all night adoration and people were eager to volunteer to staff the Shrine to protect and honour the Blessed Sacrament during the wee morning hours.
On Thursday evening we were invited into the youth tent where members of Lifeteen led sessions alongside several Franciscan Friars of Renewal with a large youth group.
The youth were deep in prayer when the monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament was reverently brought into the marquee.
They first listened to the story of the woman with the haemorrhage who was healed when she touched Jesus’ garment, and how he noticed his power had gone out. They were then invited, if they wished, to touch the veil used by the priest to hold the monstrance.
I have rarely seen such deep respect and devotion as the Blessed Sacrament was taken around the room and stopped before each person. As this prayer was so deep it took longer than expected but they still had time to praise God as the Blessed Sacrament was removed.
They were so filled with praise they went out of the marquee across the field into the social tent singing and then sat and prayed outside as dusk fell. Then they moved into party mode to end their week at New Dawn. This time they raised the roof with songs such as ‘Sweet Caroline’ and many others as they celebrated their week together.
As Friday dawned some people had to start packing up and moving off with long journeys ahead of them. However, many hundreds stayed to attend the final Mass led by Archbishop John Wilson of Southwark diocese.
It was wonderful to see him interacting with lots of folk before and after Mass including children.
He is a very gifted speaker and comes across as an ordinary man with a special God-given role. It was a privilege to listen to him.
All the talks can be heard on Radio Maria UK when you register with them.
We reflected on what a grace filled week it had been as we packed away our stall. Having sold many copies of our book, the boxes were much lighter on on our return journey. We celebrated all the people we had the privilege to meet as we wended our way back to Manchester. Tired but blessed.
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