This book is written for Catholics and fellow Christians seeking a vision of the Church which inspires great hope in these challenging times.
The Church is God's process of healing and developing humanity.
Father Brian Murphy highlights its history of change and development,
and suggests how the present trials are intense preparation for the future.
God has led us into the desert where all true renewal begins,
in order to be prepared for a wonderful new spring. A third and greater age of the Church.
Within the book, Co-author Anne Bardell stresses the need for Adult faith formation, giving many practical examples.
She discovered that most Catholics seem content with their level of faith knowledge, however, once introduced to the deeper riches of the history and truths of the faith, people become eager to know more as their thirst for faith formation grew.
Fr. Brian explains how each of us needs to become more deeply 'the type of worshiper the Father wants': that is to 'worship in truth' by rediscovering the treasures of the faith, and to 'worship in spirit' through contemplation, the prayer of the heart (John 4:24). Then the Church will be more effectively empowered to continue its mission to baptise all people into the life of the Trinity, and to renew the face of the earth.
Anne argues for the essential need for centres or hubs of faith formation in every parish. It is essential that practising Catholics are encouraged to access these hubs as a normal part of parish life. They should be accessible to everyone including parents leading their children through the Sacraments of Initiation. This requires the training of leaders equipped to support people as they travel ever deeper into their relationship with Jesus.
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Below you will find chapter headings and introductory text from the book 'A message for It's own time', published through: Amazon
Chapter 1: I am going to lead her into the Wilderness and Speak to her Heart:
God is not chastising his Church but preparing a great new age.
Chapter 2: Everything Flows from a Close Friendship with Jesus
Meeting Jesus in his Body: his Church
Chapter 3: Our Origins:
The story of Adam and Eve is not real history;
it is how God tells us about himself and us; before sin, we were originally innocent.
Chapter 4: Our Destiny:
The story of how every baptised person has innocence restored and becomes a Royal Priest.
Chapter 5: How our Royal Priesthood works.
Through loving service, offering the spirtual sacrifice, the children of God bring about the glorious liberation of creation.
Ministerial priesthood is different, but complimentary.
Our need for greater maturity.
Chapter 6: Knowing the Scriptures
Catholics need greater familiarity with the Word of God by which God reveals himself to us.
Chapter 7: The Reason for our Hope
Catholics need to experience our faith in a way that makes our hearts burn within.
Chapter 8: Aware of the Church’s Story
Catholics need to engage with the process of how the Church develops through time.
The ups and downs of growth.
Chapter 9: The Heart of Christianity
Agape, love the highest gift of God.
The prayer of contemplating God.
Chapter 10: The Christian Heart
Praying in love with God.
How it is the root of all growth.
Chapter 11: Send Labourers to the Harvest.
Some suggestions.
Every baptised person is involved in renewing the face of the earth.
Chapter 12: Some of the Tools for the Harvesters.
Help for us who are called to take our part in drawing the whole world into the life of the Trinity.
Examples of change: Ecology and Synodality.
Chapter 13: The Spiritual Sacrifice
As Royal Priests, it is our role to do what we can to make up all that is still to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body the Church. The victory of the cross and the restoring of human harmony.
Chapter 14: Mercy within Mercy within Mercy
Our loving Father only wants to bring us to perfection.
Chapter 15: A Thanksgiving Sacrifice I will make
The human delight in giving is fulfilled in the Eucharist.
Chapter 16: Good News to all Creation
What is stopping us?
Chapter 17: God Renews his Church in Every Age
The Church is God’s inexorable gathering of humanity into the Trinity.
Sailing in a sea of change.
Chapter 18: A Message for its Own Time
God wants to work through his Church more effectively.
Change is happening gradually.
Overcoming disappointments and listening in a lonely place.
Chapter 19: The New Evangelisation
Humanity is evolving.
The Church is the catalyst of authentic development.
Chapter 20: Forward
The Church is the stream that floods from the crucified heart of Christ to save the world and fill it with the glory of God
You may be feeling anything but powerful as you begin to read this book. Well, that is an excellent place to start. We are dealing with God’s power here not ours.
Pactical Catechesis
Chapter 21: Recognising the situations in our parishes and working towards trained laity in faith sharing roles.
Chapter 22: Thinking outside the box to help the Church renovate programmes and enable parishioners to know their faith and share it.
Chapter 23: Developing parishes as places of welcome where adult faith learning is the norm with prayer at the heart of it.
Chapter 24: Parishes as the hub of multiple levels of faith learning including development of the art of listening, through well-structured sessions, and media.
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